ASL Output Tab¶
This tab controls the output that will be produced.
Output data spaces¶
Standard data item outputs¶
The following data items are output:
Tissue perfusionarrival
Inferred arterial transit timemodelfit
Model prediction for comparison with the tag-control differenced data
If Fix label duration
is not specified:
Inferred Label duration
If Fix arterial transit time
is not specified:
Inferred arterial transit time
If Include macro vascular component
is specified:
Macrovascular component
If Allow uncertainty in T1 values
is specified:
Tissue T1 valuemean_T_1b
Blood T1 value
If calibration is included, additional calibrated outputs perfusion_calib
and aCBV_calib
are also generated.
Data spaces¶
By default the output is produced in native ASL space (i.e. the same space as the input
ASL data). These outputs have the suffix _native
. In addition (or instead of) output
can be produced in structural space, in which case the outputs will have a suffix of _struc
Additional outputs¶
Output parameter variance maps¶
The Bayesian modelling method used is able to output maps of the estimated parameter variance.
This gives a measure of how confident the values in the parameter maps are.
These outputs have the suffix _var
Output mask¶
If selected the mask used to perform the analysis will be output under the name mask_native
Output calibration data¶
The calibration data would include the reference mask used in reference region calibration and
the voxelwise M0 image in voxelwise calibration. These outputs have the suffix _calib
Output corrected input data¶
This option outputs corrected versions of the input data (ASL and calibration) after
motion correction, distortion correction, etc. have been performed. These outputs have the
suffix _corr
Output registration data¶
This option outputs data used as the reference for registration with the
suffix _ref
Output structural segmentation¶
This option outputs the brain extracted and segmented (partial volume and mask) maps from
the structural data. These outputs have the suffix _struc
Output model fitting data¶
This option outputs the full output from the model fitting step. These outputs have the
suffix _fitting
Model fitting is a two-stage multi-step process with a number of intermediate output data files. Selecting this option will generate a large number of output data sets!
Summary report¶
A summary report in HTML format can be generated - if required you need to select this option and choose an output directory: